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Eagle_Kiwi last won the day on July 2 2020

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About Eagle_Kiwi
  • Birthday 12/30/1946
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  1. :) Oh, I like it! . Slightly better than the Google Translate FF extension I've used for years. Your "takes a little setup" comment unnerved me a bit, but hey, the only setting up I needed was to simply click one big blue ADD button on the initial page. A doddle! ;) :) Thanx LG.
  2. ok, I've kept a check over the last 3 days, and each day at aprox 04:00GMT I have indeed received the "digest" email covering that day. Just for interest I've now changed my setting from "daily email" up to "A notification when new content posted" just to see what happens. (Does this mean a notification BY EMAIL, or just an "inline" notification ? I guess I'll find out soon enough. ;) )
  3. Hmmm, it MAY indeed be working for me. I've just checked all my preferences etc, and while I would actually like "an email whenever new content is posted" I realise there's no option for that - only "notification" (i.e. when I'm online here) whenever new content is posted. I did indeed get an email yesterday with allegedly all new content from that day, and I FEEL there were more that day, but I haven't burrowed thru to verify/deny this. I guess I'll just try to keep a closer eye on it for a few days . . . but I'm always happy to partake in any simple "testing" that may be useful to anyone.
  4. (I have exactly that same problem too, for months now.)
  5. TYVM, LG. :) . . . I'm glad it's gone, AND to know a possible/probable reason. Phew! ;)
  6. Oops, it seems to have cleared itself.... no such problem now. :) Oh well, just one of those things, I guess.
  7. For the last couple of days we've started getting the error below when trying to open our ACP. Is anyone able to suggest how we could resolve this ? A configuration or server error has occurred EX144 Something went wrong. Please try again. Technical Details SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `core_log` WHERE `category`='datastore' AND `time`>1601513041 IPS\Db\Exception: Table './edsarcaa_arcade/core_log' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed (144) #0 /home/edsarcaad/public_html/forums/system/Db/Select.php(373): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery('/*IPS\\core\\exte...', Array, true) #1 /home/edsarcaad/public_html/forums/system/Db/Select.php(436): IPS\Db\_Select->runQuery() #2 /home/edsarcaad/public_html/forums/system/Db/Select.php(355): IPS\Db\_Select->rewind() #3 /home/edsarcaad/public_html/forums/applications/core/extensions/core/AdminNotifications/ConfigurationError.php(136): IPS\Db\_Select->first() #4 /home/edsarcaad/public_html/forums/applications/core/modules/admin/system/login.php(188): IPS\core\extensions\core\AdminNotifications\_ConfigurationError::runChecksAndSendNotifications() #5 /home/edsarcaad/public_html/forums/applications/core/modules/admin/system/login.php(99): IPS\core\modules\admin\system\_login->_doLogin(Object(IPS\Member)) #6 /home/edsarcaad/public_html/forums/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(96): IPS\core\modules\admin\system\_login->manage() #7 /home/edsarcaad/public_html/forums/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(152): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #8 /home/edsarcaad/public_html/forums/admin/index.php(14): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #9 {main} These details only show because you are logged in as an administrator.
  8. Welcome to ipsProArcade. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  9. I'm real sorry to hear that, LG. :( My condolences to you at such a dreadful time. Yes, I'm sure your site here will survive. :)
  10. Thanks Ww. Do you realise that all your words are carefully read here about 5 or 6 times? LOL Yes, I think our forum folder is indeed an extra level down, in public_html. So - what should I copy from where to where ? Here's a wider screenshot: I've already made a new folder " /home/edsarcaad/backup_forum ", so I guess I copy this folder: /home/edsarcaad/public_html/forums - into it . Does that seem right ? A further question:- Would I need to go down to individual files level here? I'd have thought that to restore I'd simply copy the whole backup_forum folder across (which would naturally include all its contents too?.) Oh, and another somewhat unrelated question, if I may - is there any easy way from here within cPanel to find the total SIZE of a folder including all its sub-folders? I can't seem to find any such thing, and it would be handy, I'm sure.
  11. Hi Joel. Thanx 4 your reply here. We share a VPS with another arcade site. Ok, I will contact our server and check what they may offer. Cheers. Hiya Ww. Boy, you ARE an expert compared to us, no matter what you say! Thank you so much for all that. It will be SO helpful. :) But, when I do "+folder" there is no "/" in "New Folder will be Created in:" - it shows only the house symbol. So - I add a "/" in there then do the create ("forum_backup"), which seems to work. But THEN, after clicking on our forum directory, I find "copy" is greyed out !?? I suspect I seem to be at a wrong level here, but I can't seem to back up a level. Can you help?
  12. FWIW I ran the Full Backup from cPanel a couple of weeks ago. It seemed to run fine, took about 48-72 hours, but that seemed ok as it ran in the background while DA was still operating normally. It produced a large (38GB??) backup file that I could then see in our cPanel, but it says in a couple of places that this type of backup is *NOT* a "restorable" one - so I then deleted it.
  13. Thanks for all that, Ron. Very clear, and simple, I guess. :) So, I did that, the save took under a minute, and I end up with a 109MB .SQL file on my computer. Does that sound about right? I'm surprised at the small size - I see that our site normally takes about 25GB (and yours is 30GB) !? Assume/guessing that maybe that huge difference is due just to file compression, then now (before I "trust" it!) how does one go about a Restore of it ? I guess simply use that same phpMyAdmin and run "IMPORT" on this file ? Is that all there is? If I was to do that next week would that then restore our whole site back to exactly how it was today? (And can one do this while users are still logged in and using the site?) (Do you guess that I'm extremely nervous around such matters? LOL)
  14. Our site currently has NO backup system, which is a BAD state of affairs. lol Can some kind soul help to put us on the path to a sensible and simple backup regime ? I gather that JetBackup is good, but it costs, so we'd prefer to avoid it. cPanel has Backup and Backup Wizard, which from a cursory glance both look pretty much the same. Is Wizard EASIER?? I see also that in either of them a FULL backup cannot later be restored via cPanel, so it seems that PARTIAL is the way to go. There are 3 (or 4!) components of Partial - Home, MySQL, and Email. I guess it's possible to just backup 1 or 2 of these at different times, but for simplicity (even if it may take longer overall) I think we'd be better always to do all 3 at once. I just tried the email one, which resulted in a 61-byte .gz file downloaded to my PC (I wasn't asked where I wanted it). I then began the same with Home Folder, but after 30minutes it's still only up to 760MB, so I suspect this isn't a practical method. Should I somehow be downloading these things from our server TO somewhere else on our server ? Then anyway, looking ahead, once we have a method like this to run a backup I guess we should run it every 2 or 3 days so we'll always have a reasonably recent copy for Restore if need be?
  15. SOLVED!! Thank you mate . . that did the trick. :) :) I must admit I never use that option, so didn't think of it.
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