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Showing content with the highest reputation since 06/27/2024 in all areas

  1. I just wanted to apologize to everyone for not being around on the site as much as I should have. Truth is the last 2 - 3 months have been pretty devastating here. My wife (tipper) of 22 years (been together for 26 years) passed away on the 29th of June due to cancer. It has been pretty difficult not having her around, thank GOD that our daughter and grand daughter have been here to be with and help me since the end of March (when tipper was first diagnosed). I do not remember the name of the cancer, but it was one that was not curable. Tipper chose not to go through radiology / chemo and fought the cancer fight through her remaining days. I hope that you can all forgive me for my absence.
    1 point
  2. Thanks Ron, I appreciate your remarks, but helping you with your forums helped to take my mind off of what has happened, even if only for a few minutes
    1 point
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