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High Scores For Dragons Labyrinth
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Dragons Labyrinth

Dragons Labyrinth

Dragons are mentioned very often in the mythology and we may only guess if they really existed and what were they doing. This is a very interesting story about one girl who has a very hard mission in front of her and brings us back in the time of the dragons and wizards. Elora arrives in the land of the dragon where she will meet Felicity – the fairy of the dragon. Here, Elora has only one aim on her mind – to find the precious stones kept by the dragon on his property. However, it is not that easy to get to those precious stones. If she wants to get them, she will have to complete all the tasks given by Felicity.
Hall of Fame Champion


HOF Score: 8,562
Time Spent: 8m 35s
Current High Score Set

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Historical Data For Entire Arcade
First Played Last Played: Total Time Played: Average Time Spent Life Time Score Times Played: Average Score
03/29/2022 01:42 PM 03/29/2022 01:42 PM 8m 35s 8m 35s 8,562 1 8,562
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