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High Scores For Daughter Of The Gods
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Daughter Of The Gods

Daughter Of The Gods

What about a game for today which will ask from the games' hero to solve all the tasks that are going to be given. It is going to be exciting and we promise you will have real fun. We are on the same line with Gods today and they are sovereign. They have the power to control everything. If they are in a good mood they would please the human's wish, but if they woke up on a left foot, just joking, you won't have the good party. With such a goddess we are dealing today. There is a place called Valley of the Gods which is a place that a lot of brave men wanted to visit and to explore in years. But, not everyone has succeed in it. Actually, no one has make it by far. But, there always must be a person who will try to defeat the rules of the Gods or actually break them, because rules are actually made to be broken. Mostafa arrives in the Valley of the Gods. He is being hosted by Heba, the daughter of Gods. Mostafa can't enter deeply into the valley and to explore it until he fulfills all the tasks that Heba has prepared for him.
Hall of Fame Champion


HOF Score: 15,481
Time Spent: 10m 34s
Current High Score Set

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Historical Data For Entire Arcade
First Played Last Played: Total Time Played: Average Time Spent Life Time Score Times Played: Average Score
06/20/2021 03:46 PM 01/15/2022 02:43 AM 21m 0s 10m 30s 28,593 2 14,297
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