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High Scores For Dark Spirits
GOTD Wish   •  GOTW Wish

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Dark Spirits

Dark Spirits

Believing in something or not believing it are legitimate things. For some of us, believing is Gods and in some superpower is completely normal job. For others they have the need to trust paranormal things, déjà vu moments and situations, believing in ghosts, spirits, super powers, medium-personalities. And that again, is legitimate thing. Did you know that there actually exist detectives for paranormal things and believes? They have entered the minds of people that believe it and can solve even the most difficult cases. Donna and Andrew are paranormal things detectives. Together with their team they arrive in the house of fear, the place that the citizens that live near by call it. Lately, paranormal actions are very often in that house. Every evening new ghosts are being noticed on the houses' windows. Detectives are here so they will clean up the spirits and to protect the citizens from their bad intentions. So, it is about time that you help these scared people to go on with normal lives. Have fun!
Hall of Fame Champion


HOF Score: 338,800
Time Spent: 15m 3s
Current High Score Set

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Historical Data For Entire Arcade
First Played Last Played: Total Time Played: Average Time Spent Life Time Score Times Played: Average Score
05/30/2021 06:53 PM 05/23/2023 05:11 PM 55m 16s 18m 25s 686,080 3 228,693
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