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High Scores For Animal Care
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Animal Care

Animal Care

Loving animals is a natural thing. People who have pets and take care of an animal are those who love and respect life in many ways. They don't think that only humans are superior and they can do everything. Those who love spending time with animals and taking care of them usually spend more time and have their farms. They try to give them the best conditions possible, so that animals would be raised in healthy conditions. No matter how much is hardworking, on a farm you always need extra hand for help. There are so many things to be done. In today game we are introducing you to Donna and Andrew, enthusiastic farmers who are doing this job for ten years. Donna and Andrew have a farm on where they keep a lot of animals. Their everyday obligation is to take care of the animals. A group of animal fans arrives today to pay a visit to the farm and they want to help with the farm.
Hall of Fame Champion


HOF Score: 414,260
Time Spent: 7m 46s
Current High Score Set

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First Played Last Played: Total Time Played: Average Time Spent Life Time Score Times Played: Average Score
05/19/2021 09:08 PM 01/07/2022 04:28 AM 36m 43s 12m 14s 1,060,940 3 353,647
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