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High Scores For Nights In Paradise
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Nights In Paradise

Nights In Paradise

For some people may appear to be very easy finding their soul mate and those are very lucky people because other people spend their whole life alone, never being closer to something that is called love. Different people, different choices, different stories but the truth is that everyone wishes to spend his/her life with someone, to take care for each other and get older together... But besides those essential issues, people also often look for a simple romance, look for one night stand, or simply someone to talk to... and because dating could be hard sometimes, people have invented those match making agencies. Louise is actually an owner of a match making agency that organizes blind dates, relating single people. What makes this agency different from the others is the fact that she locates those dates on exotic places, places that have not been promoted before but are incredibly attractive for sure. Single persons like to meet other people but also they are amazed by those places and that makes their choice to take part in this blind dating easier. The incredible hotel that includes an amazing spa center and will be a place where today's dating will be located is called Paradise. Well this place is a real paradise, having in mind its wonderful location and the issues that it offers. Louise has arrived at the hotel and she has started arranging the space because tomorrow is the day when one pair should arrive there. Those two will meet there for the first time, having a romantic dinner, so everything should look perfect for that occasion.
Hall of Fame Champion


HOF Score: 6,835
Time Spent: 15m 46s
Current High Score Set

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Historical Data For Entire Arcade
First Played Last Played: Total Time Played: Average Time Spent Life Time Score Times Played: Average Score
04/30/2021 08:23 PM 11/30/2022 01:21 AM 43m 57s 14m 39s 18,807 3 6,269
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