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High Scores For Pyramid Gold
GOTD Wish   •  GOTW Wish

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High Score: 0
Time Spent: N/A
Current High Score Set N/A

Pyramid Gold

Pyramid Gold

To begin the game, you must select one of the boxes. Hidden behind each box is a category which you must try to guess. You are given three clues for each category. For example, the category Gloves would give you baseball, golden and medical as clues. The clues correspond with the timer bonus, appearing every 100 points. Try to figure out the category as quick as possible to earn more bonus points. When the time bonus expires, you lose that turn and must select another box.
Hall of Fame Champion


HOF Score: 14,240
Time Spent: 9m 30s
Current High Score Set

Historical Data For Guest
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Historical Data For Entire Arcade
First Played Last Played: Total Time Played: Average Time Spent Life Time Score Times Played: Average Score
10/27/2020 10:52 PM 10/27/2020 10:52 PM 9m 30s 9m 30s 14,240 1 14,240
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