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Game Info

Flash Game
Current Session Leader

crown  N/A  crown

With a score of: N/A
Scored: N/A
Your Best Score: N/A

HOF Champion

crown  N/A  crown

With a score of: N/A

Game Objective
It's Monday morning, you're back to school and have a hell of a lot to answer for. You need to keep churning out the excuses before your teachers patience is pushed to the limit! Type as quickly as the excuses appear and you should be ok. Slack or fall behind and you're going to incur the wrath of your teacher! You have no excuse not to play this game!

Excuses Excuses

Game Controls

Use your KeyBoard
Game Stats
Times Played: 0
Total Time Played: 0
Times Downloaded: 3
File Size: 1.66 MB
Install Date: 08/21/2020 06:36 PM

Category: A - F Games (Flash)

Game Type (v32)

High Scores   Play Game   Play Full

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