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Game Info

HTML5 Game
Current Session Leader

crown  N/A  crown

With a score of: N/A
Scored: N/A
Your Best Score: N/A

HOF Champion

crown  Winker  crown

With a score of: 57

Game Objective
‏Like other tourists, you go around the earth and visit new places. But you are different from others! You are very fast and can travel around the world in about 2 seconds! The only thing that can stop you is Eifel Tower, because its very long and its hard to jump over it! Try to travel around the world as many times as you can and score higher!

Around The World In 2 Seconds

Game Controls
Game Stats
Times Played: 11
Total Time Played: 13m 14s
Times Downloaded: 7
File Size: 1.50 MB
Install Date: 08/21/2020 01:36 PM

Category: Thunder HTML5 Games

Game Type (H5)

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