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Game Info

HTML5 Game
Current Session Leader

crown  Munnster  crown

With a score of: 7,132
Your Best Score: N/A

HOF Champion

crown  Munnster  crown

With a score of: 7,132

Game Objective
Donuts Crush. An online game that will not disappoint you if you are a fan of these games! To play, use your mouse to reverse two elements to align a minimum of three identical so as to eliminate them from the board. For each level, you will have as usual a goal to achieve with a given number of movements. The less you use, the more stars you will earn at the end of each level. Note that for three consecutive wins, you will win a prize, as well as with each daily visit. You can also spin a wheel to earn gold coins that will allow you to acquire game bonuses.

Donuts Crush Level 77

Game Controls

Game Stats
Times Played: 4
Total Time Played: 16m 8s
Times Downloaded: 6
File Size: 9.94 MB
Install Date: 08/21/2020 10:16 AM

Category: Donuts Crush

Game Type (H5)

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