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High Scores For Dusty Diary
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Dusty Diary

Dusty Diary

Ashley finds out that in the national library located in her town is hidden the secret diary that belonged to the famous magician Harry Houdini. This is the name of one of the most famous persons in his fella, the well-known illusionist and stunt performer that was noted world-wide for his sensational escape acts. One of his acts was performed on a tour of Europe, where he challenged police forces to keep him locked up. In a little while he extended his range to include chains, ropes slung from skyscrapers, straitjackets under water, and having to escape from and hold his breath inside a sealed milk can with water in it. All those acts are rather challenging and there are not many persons in the world that could manage to do that, maybe he is was actually the only person. Now, there is a chance to find out this diary where are described the tiniest details of the tricks that he has done, that made people believe that it is about a real magic. Also it is believed that this library hides his cards. Those cards are not as every other cards because they are handmade and they were used by the great magician. Let's accept this amazing adventure and help Ashley find those valuable objects that will reveal the great truth about the famous magician. We will witness some incredible things, something that no one before us has found out and have the privilege to have those incredible findings before us, so let's start the search right away.
Hall of Fame Champion


HOF Score: 328
Time Spent: 11m 16s
Current High Score Set

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First Played Last Played: Total Time Played: Average Time Spent Life Time Score Times Played: Average Score
05/05/2021 02:04 PM 01/30/2022 07:05 PM 22m 4s 11m 2s 544 2 272
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