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High Scores For Angry Gran Toss
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Angry Gran Toss

Angry Gran Toss

In this fun-addicting Angry Gran Toss launch game you join the sullen looking old lady on her attempt to escape the jail. Your job is to catapult the grandma as far as you can using a wide arsenal of heavy artillery. Earn money for upgrades and reach the maximum distance or she will be absolutely furious. Much fun! In this fun-addicting Angry Gran Toss launch game you join the sullen looking old lady on her attempt to escape the jail. Your job is to catapult the grandma as far as you can using a wide arsenal of heavy artillery. Earn money for upgrades and reach the maximum distance or she will be absolutely furious. Much fun!
Hall of Fame Champion


HOF Score: 460,042
Time Spent: 39m 34s
Current High Score Set

Historical Data For Guest
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Historical Data For Entire Arcade
First Played Last Played: Total Time Played: Average Time Spent Life Time Score Times Played: Average Score
09/22/2020 05:33 PM 03/23/2024 08:32 PM 11h 14m 12s 16m 27s 11,799,299 41 287,788
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