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High Scores For Angry Birds Connections
GOTD Wish   •  GOTW Wish

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Angry Birds Connections

Angry Birds Connections

Create connections between birds of the same type to remove them. For the beginning you only have fifteen seconds to remove a certain number of birds. Move selected bird vertically or horizontally to form groups of three or more birds of the same kind. If you run out of moves, go to your right hint button for help.
Hall of Fame Champion


HOF Score: 23,500
Time Spent: 7m 44s
Current High Score Set

Historical Data For Guest
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Historical Data For Entire Arcade
First Played Last Played: Total Time Played: Average Time Spent Life Time Score Times Played: Average Score
01/23/2022 03:43 AM 01/23/2022 03:43 AM 7m 44s 7m 44s 23,500 1 23,500
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