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High Scores For Zuma Rush Fun
GOTD Wish   •  GOTW Wish

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High Score: 0
Time Spent: N/A
Current High Score Set N/A

Zuma Rush Fun

Zuma Rush Fun

The battle of the year is here! There is no favorites, no friends to help and no team to survive for you. You are on your own, so be smart and make a good team with Zuma. Fight together in order to destroy all the colored balls that blocks your way out from this cave of fear. Use your speed and mind skills to shoot all balls at the proper time. Good luck!
Hall of Fame Champion


HOF Score: 11,700
Time Spent: 11m 25s
Current High Score Set

Historical Data For Guest
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Historical Data For Entire Arcade
First Played Last Played: Total Time Played: Average Time Spent Life Time Score Times Played: Average Score
09/10/2020 07:56 PM 01/28/2023 08:19 PM 1h 24m 55s 21m 14s 43,475 4 10,869
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