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Game Info

HTML5 Game
Current Session Leader

crown  N/A  crown

With a score of: N/A
Scored: N/A
Your Best Score: N/A

HOF Champion

crown  Zippy  crown

With a score of: 7,386

Game Objective
You will need to reach the goals set for each level in the time allotted to you by the timer, figured by a level bar at the top of your screen. Throughout the game, you will accumulate experience points that will allow you to unlock different powers inherent to each color of gems. To activate them, you will have to eliminate at least 3 elements of this color, three times in a row. The objectives will vary alternately for each level, you will either have to reach a defined score, or clean shaded boxes, or lower specific items or a combination of all three.

Magic Stones Level 53

Game Controls

Game Stats
Times Played: 11
Total Time Played: 27m 13s
Times Downloaded: 5
File Size: 10.80 MB
Install Date: 03/29/2023 12:38 AM

Category: Magic Stones

Game Type (H5)

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