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Game Info

HTML5 Game
Current Session Leader

crown  N/A  crown

With a score of: N/A
Scored: N/A
Your Best Score: N/A

HOF Champion

crown  Winker  crown

With a score of: 28

Game Objective
Crazy Chicks is a farm-based puzzle game. In Fast Chicks, you play the role of a farmer who has been tasked with collecting eggs from a series of rogue chickens. The chickens have taken roost in the rafters of your barn and are dropping their eggs on the floor. You cant let any eggs go to waste so you must run back and forth between all of the chickens and catch the individual eggs as they fall. Use your basket to make sure you safely gather them and then turn them in for a tidy profit. Youll wanna make sure you get the eggs in collections of 12, theyll be worth more if you are able to sell them as a dozen. It sounds easy but its not. This game requires you to judge distance and speed with a keen eye for accuracy. Youll have to use your mouse to click your farmer left and then click your farmer right. Time your turns and your runs to be perfectly in unison with the eggs as they fall. Try to position yourself directly under an egg just as it falls into your basket in order to maximize your points.

Crazy Chicks

Game Controls
Game Stats
Times Played: 16
Total Time Played: 21m 29s
Times Downloaded: 11
File Size: 6.44 MB
Install Date: 12/07/2021 08:54 PM

Category: Thunder HTML5 Games

Game Type (H5)

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