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Game Info

Flash Game
Current Session Leader

crown  N/A  crown

With a score of: N/A
Scored: N/A
Your Best Score: N/A

HOF Champion

crown  tipper  crown

With a score of: 43,492

Game Objective
Ziel ist es, die Herzen zu tauschen und 3 gleiche Herzen in einer Reihe zu bekommen. Dabei ist es egal ob dies waagerecht oder senkrecht passiert.

Valentine Hearts

Game Controls

See in Game
Game Stats
Times Played: 4
Total Time Played: 10m 59s
Times Downloaded: 3
File Size: 821.44 KB
Install Date: 08/22/2020 12:19 PM

Category: AS3 Flash Games

Game Type (v2)

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