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Daniel Hofverberg

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Posts posted by Daniel Hofverberg
  1. A report has been filed for Fun with Squirrels, please ensure that you provide as much data as possible to help us in resolving the issue for which you are reporting this game.


    Issue Reported:

    Only a black screen appears, and the game never starts.

    The browser console reports the following JavaScript errors:

    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
    game.css:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
    loading-logo.png:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
    c2runtime.js:9441 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'drawImage' on 'CanvasRenderingContext2D': The HTMLImageElement provided is in the 'broken' state.
        at Runtime.go (https://ipsproarcade.com/arcade/gamedata/funwithsquirrels_Origon/c2runtime.js:9441:11)
        at https://ipsproarcade.com/arcade/gamedata/funwithsquirrels_Origon/c2runtime.js:9515:33
    game.css:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)


    Browser: Edge Version: 86.0.622.69 Platform: Windows

  2. Strange... After restarting the computer and browser, it seems to work for me too in Edge and Chrome. Perhaps just some temporary error...?


    However, one time out of three I have received the following error message when trying to submit the score:

    No session found, score may have been submitted in the background


  3. A report has been filed for Froggee, please ensure that you provide as much data as possible to help us in resolving the issue for which you are reporting this game.


    Issue Reported:

    When you have lost, the game continues to play indefinitely but you can't do anything. If you click the Pause button, an error message displays:

    "No session found, score may have been submitted in the background"



    Also the game displays vertical scroll bars in the display area, which looks very weird.


    Browser: Edge Version: 86.0.622.68 Platform: Windows Gname: Froggee_masodo

  4. A report has been filed for Ninja Jump, please ensure that you provide as much data as possible to help us in resolving the issue for which you are reporting this game.


    Issue Reported:

    The game doesn't start. At least for my, I only get a title screen with a running ninja, but it never actually starts.


    Browser: Edge Version: 86.0.622.68 Platform: Windows

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